Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, invites application for award of “DBT-Junior Research Fellowship” (DBT-JRF) for pursuing research in frontier areas of Biotechnology and Life Sciences. The candidates will be selected through “Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET)”. Based on the performance in BET, two categories of merit list will be prepared (Category-I and Category-II). Government of India norms for reservation will be followed for selection.
DBT BET 2023 Most Important Topics
This course covers DBT Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) Most Important Topics. These topics will help you increase your chances of qualifying DBT BET JRF exam...
Bioprocess Engineering Part 2 || B.Tech | GATE-BT ||
Section 5: Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology Feature of this Course (currently this course focus on Important topics for the GATE Exam): High-Quality...
Bioprocess Engineering Part 1 || B.Tech | GATE-BT ||
Section 4: Fundamentals of Biological Engineering Feature of this Course (currently this course focuses on Important topics for the GATE Exam): High-Quality Video Lectures...